Xcraft Shark Tank Update

Season 7 Episode 5 (S7E5)
Pitchcustomized unmanned aerial systems – drones
EntrepreneurJD Claridge
Asked For$500000 for 20%
Deal$1,500,000 for 25% equity stake
SharkKevin O’Leary, Mark Cuban, Lori Greiner, Daymond John,Robert Herjavec
Shark Tank Tax5%

0 thoughts on “Xcraft Shark Tank Update”

  1. I supported the Phone Drone and paid for a phone Drone! they never came through. The backers were offered their money back! nope that didn’t happen after years of waiting xCraft offered a 50% discount on another drone. Why would I do that when they can’t honor their original commitment. VERY DISAPOINTED. PLEASE DON’T SUPPORT X CRAFT

    • I was like you. What happened? Then I found out. They got screwed by some overseas thieves. They are in the process of refunding us for that original drone perk. I am trying to be patient. I have faith.


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