Coinout Shark Tank Update

Season 9 Episode 23 (S9E23)
PitchSmart receipts app that lets you scan receipts for cash back
EntrepreneurJeff Witten
Asked For$250000 for 7%
Deal$250,000 for 15% equity stake
SharkRobert Herjavec
Shark Tank Tax8%

0 thoughts on “Coinout Shark Tank Update”

  1. I love Collecting Pennies, I love collecting nickels, I love my coin banks that count my dimes. I like saying “ Hey Siri How many quarters are their in a quart jar? $172.50. I’m retired, disabled, and my coin banks are my go-to comfort therapy of watching my money grow. Vending machines at rest areas when traveling still require cash and coins only or you are screwed. And as a free barometer I find picking up free pennies in a parking lot remind me that I’m still not to fat to bend over.


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